Interview Style Tips- Styling yourself for a job interview

Preparing for an interview can be extremely stressful. Getting all of your thoughts down on paper, remembering names of those you're meeting with, mapping out your route and last but not least, putting together an interview look. However, getting your interview outfit together really doesn't have to be as taxing as you think it should be. You just have to prepare ahead of time. So, what are some ways that you can prepare beforehand, so that the day of the actual interview, you're not running around like a chicken with it's head cut off? Here some quick tips:

1. Plan your look weeks ahead - As soon as you've hit send on that first job application, start putting together your look as if you've already got a call for the interview. There is something that happens in all of us when we prepare for success; you usually draw success to you. Call it positive thinking or manifesting thoughts, get those interview clothes out and start praticing your interview smile ahead of time. 

2. Play dress up- In the case where you have time to plan for for your interview, lay out your clothing at least a week before. Try on combinations that you wouldn't ordinarily put together and see if it works. There are times when we get so locked up in what we think we should be wearing that we forget that the interview process is a chance for employers to get to know us and part of who you are shows up in the way we dress. I'm not saying that you need to let your inner Lollapalooza out LOL But maybe try on a new accessory or striped blouse. Get it together and then leave it alone. come back after a few days and if it still feels right, wear it.

3. Check the details- Now is the time to check your shoes for scuff marks, your blouses for loose buttons and your hems for pulled threads. If your clothing items need repairing, now is the time to get it done. If they end up hiring you on the spot, you don't want to have to tell your future employer that you need to wait a few days until the cobbler has fixed your fave pair of black patent heels. Act as if you've already got the job and get your work wardrobe in order.

4. Select a back up- You have one look together, now select another. Prepare a second look to take with you in the car, this is especially true if you're interviewing for a promotion within your same company. By your 2pm interview, you may have sweat through your silk blouse and gotten a salsa stain on your skirt. Having a back up in the car will save you lots of embarrassment and headache.

5. Do a dry run of makeup and hair- Along with playing dress up, do a dry run or your hair and makeup looks. The day of the interview is not the time to experiment with your makeup and it DEFINITELY is not the time to get a new cut. If you're trying out a new foundation or skincare regimen, do so AFTER the interview. You don't know how your skin will react and you don't want to walk into a meeting with a potential employer looking like a beet!

Well, I hope these tips will help you get that job/job promotion you have been waiting patiently for! Remember, your resume and cover letter only tell half the story. Now that you've got your foot in the door, it's time to shine! Good luck and let me know how it goes!!!




One pair of pants, five outfits


Glowing skin from the inside out